Vista Learning Support

Measured Progress

In South Carolina, testing is mandated for all public school districts. The purpose of testing is to measure where you child is, identifying strengths and weaknesses

For you as a parent, it is important to see the results of your child’s test. This gives a starting point and identification of you child’s skill level is imperative because at the end of the period you want to ensure that your child is making progress toward the goals you have set.

In South Carolina, the State Department of Education, provides curriculum guides. They provide information by grade and subject as to what your child should be learning. With these guides, you want to know that your child is progressing toward the standards set by the South Carolina State Department of Education.

As with any skill, there are expected levels of progress. Parents love to say my child got great grades. At the end of the nine week grading period your child should be given a grade of A, B, C, D or F. Each of these grades will provide and indicator of how your child did for the nine weeks. It may be a time to celebrate, but as is often the case, you want answers as to why your child did not perform up to your expectations.

These grades are issued quarterly, giving you as a parent to seek answers as to why your child is not meeting your expectations and working with your child’s teachers, you have time to remediate or take measures to see that your child meets or exceeds your expectations by the end of the school year.

Measuring quarter to quarter progress gives you an opportunity to respond and get the best outcomes for your child.

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